Register for our upcoming webinar, Elevating LGBTQ Women: A Conversation with Annise Parker on July 8 @ 12 PM ET.

Women lead in crisis. Now let's get them in office.
In order to reach equal representation in our lifetime, we need to build a Community of women who are curious about the possibilities of public leadership.
Join the Community
Women represent 51% of the US population.
So why do they represent less than a third of the nation’s elected leaders? We can’t expect to achieve the best policies when nearly half the population is shut out from policy making. By tapping the full talent pool this country has to offer, there is no problem we can’t solve.
How We Do It
By identifying and tackling the barriers to elected leadership, She Should Run convinces women from all political leanings, ethnicities, sexual identities, and backgrounds to see themselves as future candidates. Our programs unveil the many pathways to leadership, guide them toward discovering their "why," and connect them with a supportive Community who are in varying stages of their own journeys, ultimately building their confidence toward a future run for office.
Our Programs & EventsWhat You Can Do
She Should Run provides women who are curious about public office with a starting place to explore their options. And because it takes an ecosystem to get more women running, we give everyone ways to play a role in transforming the face of government – both local and national. Here’s how you can increase the pipeline of women considering a run.
Join the Community
Get all the tools and resources you need to explore a run for yourself by registering for the She Should Run Community today.
Ask a Woman to Run
Play a role in solving gender inequality simply by asking a woman of action in your life to consider a run for office.
Help Us Support Women
Your financial support will allow us to reach and encourage more women to consider a run for office and support them on their journey.